
Minecraft dragon ball z mod server ip
Minecraft dragon ball z mod server ip

minecraft dragon ball z mod server ip

Status Effect Name: I'm not sure what these are.Set: this isn't a variable, it's a false positive.Usage: /jrmcset set StatusEffectName TimeValue JohnDoe.This puts status effects on players and/or sets the time remaining of status effects they already have?.ignore Mind cost on: I also don't know what it means but I assume it's a true-false boolean.tp costo n: I don't know what this means.Player User Name: the username of the player whose racial skill you want to change.Value: the amount you're adding or setting the skill to.It also says the add amount can be negative and is thusly subtracting. Set/Add: decides whether to set the skill to a specific number or add to the existing number.Usage: /jrmcracialskill set 12 JaneDoe tpcoston ignoreMindcoston.I dunno what this does, I probably would if I played more Saiyans or Arcosians.True/False: Whether or not to have PVP on or off, true turns it on, false turns it off.Turns player VS player combat on or off.Player User Name: the username of the player whose current mission you want to change.Mission ID: I'm assuming that in a mission file are multiple missions, each with ID's and you can set which mission you are currently on by looking up these mission by missionfile/main and mission ID.uhh system that does that? Main refers to the main story hardcoded into the mod. Mission File Name or Main: MissionFileName probably refers to missions added to the Saga system with the new.Usage: /jrmcm MissionFileName/Main MissionID JohnDoe.BUT it seems to set the mission that you're currently playing. Player User Name: the username of the player who you want to heal.Value: the amount that your healing by.Stat: this is the stat you are healing, it can be set to: "energy", "body", "stamina", "food", "all".This command lets you heal a characters energy, body, stamina, or food by a certain amount.You can also enter the command, "jrmca set all max", to max all Attributes.Value: This is the amount you're setting the attribute to or the amount you adding to it.Attribute: This decides what attribute your changing, this can be set to: "alignment", "strength", "dexterity", "constitution", "willpower", "mind", "spirit".This command sets the value of an attribute or adds to that attribute.Player User Name: the username of the player whose equipment you want to repair.Repairs a specific player's equipment?.It says it checks if Player Vs Player is on or off in the current dimension, so does that mean that PVP is dimension specific?.Player User Name: the username of the player whose kill stats you want to see.This command lets you see a specific player's kill stats.

minecraft dragon ball z mod server ip

this command lets you see who has the most kills in the game.Player User name: the username of the player whose character sheet you want to see.sheet: sheet is actually not a variable, you can't swap it out with anything so it's a false positive.Either way, it will probably be removed eventually. it is apparently only for debug and asks you to not use it? I'm not sure if that means it can cause errors or is just seen as unsporting. This command lets you see another player's character sheet.resets your character to the charcter creation meun and ability select screen.Value: this is the amount you're setting the attribute to or the amount you're adding to it.Ĭommand List Jin Ryuu Mod Core Survival Commands.

minecraft dragon ball z mod server ip

  • Atrribute: This decides what attribute your changing, this can be set to: "alignment", "strength", "dexterity", "constitution", "willpower", "mind", "spirit".
  • Set/Add: if you type "set" it will set the number or "add" it will add to the already existing attribute value.
  • for reference, this command sets the value of an attribute or adds to that attribute,.
  • On top of that, there are multiple variables for this command.
  • Here the command is /jrmca, but if you only type "/jrmca" into chat, it will just ask you to add more variables and otherwise won't do anything.
  • if you type this in to chat your character will reset and you can edit appearance and select play type all over again, all you have to do is type "/jrmc startnew" into the chat.
  • Sometimes the usage is literall you just use the command and it does the thing, Others require Variables.

    Minecraft dragon ball z mod server ip how to#

    Usage refers to how to use the command in the chat log. These can be used only on a creative map or if you have admin privileges on a server. These can be used even if you in survival or not an admin on a server.

    Minecraft dragon ball z mod server ip